The website www.festivalphoto-lagacilly.com is updated by the La Gacilly Photo Festival.
Festival Photo La Gacilly
Rue des graveurs
BP 11
56200 La Gacilly
Tel: +33 (0)2 99 08 68 00
SIREN (company identification): 452 635 089 000
APE code: 9329Z
La Gacilly Photo Festival official website: www.festivalphoto-lagacilly.com
Publication editor: La Gacilly Photo Festival
If you require any information about the operating and use of the website, please contact us at the following address: contact@festivalphoto-lagacilly.com
5 Boulevard Ampère
44470 Carquefou
Links to the website www.festivalphoto-lagacilly.com
The website www.festivalphoto-lagacilly.com allows all websites or documents to mention us and/or publish a link to our website under the following conditions:
– the web pages in question must not be inside other pages and must be made accessible by opening a tab.
– sources must be mentioned for every link, particularly when using a direct link to our content.
This authorisation is valid for all types of content, except that of which disseminates information of a controversial, pornographic, and/or xenophobic nature and/or that may be deemed offensive by the general public.
Any links towards the website www.festivalphoto-lagacilly.com for commercial purposes is forbidden.
The La Gacilly Photo Festival Association reserves the right to request the removal of any link from any other site which it deems to not conform with its own editorial guidelines.
Links to third-party websites
The La Gacilly Photo Festival shall not be held responsible for external hyperlinks and third-party site content that they direct to.
All content on the website www.festivalphoto-lagacilly.com whether the La Gacilly Photo Festival produced it, or was authorised to publish it is protected by copyright.
Any reproduction of said content, in part or in full, and any representation of the substantial content of this site, of one or several of its components, by whatsoever process, without the specific permission of the La Gacilly Photo Festival, is forbidden, and constitutes an infringement punished by articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
Paper copies of the various items subject to copyright are authorised for private use in accordance with article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Their partial or integral reproduction, without prior and written agreement is strictly prohibited.
The La Gacilly Photo Festival logo
The logo and posters are the property of the La Gacilly Photo Festival association. Their partial or integral reproduction without prior written agreement is strictly prohibited.
Any modification of the proportions, colours, and constituent elements is strictly prohibited.
La Gacilly Photo Festival
Motion4ever (www.motion4ever.com)
Blinkl (blinkl.com)
No personal information shall be gathered without your knowledge.
No personal information shall be handed to other parties.
With regard to the collection of personal information through the forms on this site, you have the right of access, modification, correction and suppression of all data that concerns you. To exercise these rights, please contact us:
By email: contact@festivalphoto-lagacilly.com
By post:
Festival Photo La Gacilly
Rue des graveurs
BP 11
56200 La Gacilly
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