Commune de La Gacilly
Who are we ?
Since January 1, 2017, the three towns of Glénac, La Chapelle Gaceline and La Gacilly have become one: the new town of La Gacilly.
Why support the festival?
It seems indispensable to us to help one of the biggest Outdoor Photo Festival in Europe. Created 17 years ago, the La Gacilly Photo Festival brought together millions of visitors around the world's leading photographers. More than 1000 large format photographs displayed in the streets, gardens, alleys of the village of La Gacilly. It gives a cultural access of exception free family, between friends in our rural setting.
Facebook: @Unispourbienvivreensemblealagacilly

OBC - De L'Oust à Brocéliande Communauté
Who are we ?
“De l’Oust à Brocéliande communauté” (OBC) covers a geographical area gathering nearly 40,000 inhabitants and 26 communes around Malestroit, Guer and La Gacilly. In consultation with them, OBC proposes and develops proximity and valorization missions.
Why support the festival ?
One of our main objectives is to promote the territory, by accompanying and encouraging cultural activities for example. The Photo Festival totally reflects our educational ambition. It offers a high-quality exhibition, with famous photographers and selected works that convey an artistic and educational discourse that we adhere to and support. By its originality, the beauty of its setting and its free entrance, it also represents one of the main spearheads of our tourist offer. OBC is proud to be part of the public partners of the Photo Festival and wishes that this meeting rich of discoveries keep on questioning us many years.
Facebook: @oustbroceliande
LinkedIn: @de-l-oust-à-brocéliande-communauté

Morbihan - Conseil Départemental du Morbihan (56)
Who are we?
An actor of proximity, the Department supports its inhabitants daily in almost every aspects of life: family, education, environment, culture, social matters… The Council is a guarantor of a harmonious development of the territory.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
More than a financial partner, the Department of Morbihan is the sponsor of this Festival. Every year, the Council gives a free pass to a photographer who goes and meets men and women who, like the Department, participate in building the territory.
Facebook: @departementdumorbihan

Région Bretagne
About the Regional Council
Being useful in the daily life of Bretons and Bretons, investing for their future and that of the territory, this is the meaning of the action of the Brittany Region. Its fields of intervention are numerous; in particular, it accompanies numerous associations and events and thus supports the cultural, sporting and linguistic vitality that makes Brittany a welcoming and open region. It also ensures that the cultural offer is balanced throughout Brittany.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival ?
Brittany is at the forefront of the regions where festivals and artistic and cultural events are born. The Region supports and encourages this vitality. It supports ambitious projects that are anchored and innovate in the territories, from performing arts to the visual arts or photography.
By focusing on promoting contemporary creation, supporting emerging talents, investing in many professional networks and developing artistic and cultural education as a strong axis, the La Gacilly Photo Festival converges with cultural, artistic , environmental and societal issues that are at the heart of regional policy.
It is in the name of these shared values that the Region supports it.
Our common values for a sustainable future
In 2017, the Region chose to collectively build a future project for a sober and sustainable Brittany in 2040. From this approach was born the Breizh COP. Today, fully committed to this dynamic, the Region works with cultural actors around three sustainable development issues: ecological transition, equality between men and women, consideration of cultural rights.
Issues shared by the La Gacilly Photo Festival which, through its manifesto, attests to its desire to act in favor of ecological and societal transition.
Facebook: @regionbretagne.bzh
Instagram: @region.bretagne
Twitter: @regionbretagne
LinkedIn: @region-bretagne

DRAC - (Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de Bretagne)

Rocher Participations
About the Regional Council
ROCHER PARTICIPATIONS is the investment holding company of the ROCHER family.
It is held exclusively by the members of the ROCHER family, whose shareholders are the direct descendants of Mr Yves Rocher.
It is a French holding company, solidly established in its home territory, La Gacilly, in accordance with the wishes of its founder, Mr Yves Rocher, and with its purpose.
We are a Breton family holding company, convinced that well-rooted trees are more resistant to the vagaries of time.
Since 1959, our family adventure has been part of the world's changing times.
As early as 1971, Mr. Yves Rocher was already giving pride of place to Art by developing the establishment of numerous craftsmen in order to develop the economic growth of the commune of La Gacilly. More than fifty years later, these craftsmen are still present.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival ?
By becoming a partner of the Photo Festival, ROCHER PARTICIPATIONS has perpetuated this commitment, using the photographic medium as a tool to bear witness to social and environmental issues addressed to the general public.
Our common values for a sustainable future
ROCHER PARTICIPATIONS also cultivates authentic encounters with its local partners, to support the Breton ecosystem and offer events accessible to everyone.

Gares et connexions
Who are we?
The SNCF Gares & Connexions branch stemed from a belief : train stations are vibrant places at at the crossroads of various journeys. Like the lungs of cities, they transform territories and make everyday life easier for millions of travellers, visitors and residents.
Ever since its creation, SNCF Gares & Connexions has chosen to place regions’ cultural life at the heart of train stations. Art is an essential part of life, of personal fulfilment, and community spirit. Efficient and reactive, they offer an insight into art, proposing rich artistic and cultural events, carried out with the help of national or local institutions, and paying special attention to local cultural news. Thus, train stations act as gateways to new territories, they reinvent the notions of exchange, travel, and transport in the eyes of all.
As an important partner of significant institutions and events dedicated to photography, like le Jeu de Paume, LE BAL, Circulation(s), ImageSingulières or Rencontres d’Arles, we’re also involved in contemporary art and music. Today, there are in total over 100 train stations throughout the country which brighten day-to-day travelling for travellers and residents all year round.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
Loyal to the La Gacilly Photo Festival, we have been supporting the event for 5 years in a row by exhibiting the iconic photographs of the festival’s programme in the train stations of Rennes, Nantes, Vannes, Saint-Malo, Redon and Paris Montparnasse.

Yves Rocher
Born from a love story between Mr. Yves Rocher and the Breton nature, nature is our guide since 1959. We are creators of botanical beauty, we cultivate our plants, in Brittany, in agroecology in our organic fields in La Gacilly, to preserve and enhance biodiversity. We act for a more natural, sustainable beauty and respectful of plants, soils and people.
We are botanists, harvesters, manufacturers, and retailers. Our value chain is under control, our environmental impact is therefore limited, and we are working to reduce it even more every day. We have studied the best nature has to offer in order to provide you with effective care products with active ingredients 100% derived from plants.
The Yves Rocher brand is the main sponsor of the La Gacilly Photo Festival. We have a strong will to always be committed a little more everyday through our activities. We support the Festival which honors a humanist and committed photography. The festival offers a committing and immersive photographic experience at the heart of thirty open-air galleries, making us aware of the fragile beauty of our planet. A unique way to engage the public about its future and its benefits. By helping to support all these photographers, we also commit to biodiversity and sustainable development. It is an occasion for us to raise awareness on environmental matters.

Media Graphic
Who are we?
As a company guided by values, we unite our activities under the banner of a vision: respect for the environment and the positive impact of our activities on society by offering PVC-free tarpaulins. On a day-to-day basis, our R&D teams and suppliers work hand-in-hand to develop together a range of innovative and exclusive products, meeting market expectations and the most demanding environmental standards. The entire MediaPure range for our customers is therefore PVC-free and based on vegetable materials.
In collaboration with Winwin, the last entity of the MédiaGraphic group, we propose a comprehensive environmental and societal approach (CSR) to support partner companies in their ecological and solidarity transition. To meet your expectations, we offer Product Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) using ADEME to recycle waste from the event.
Why support the Festival?
We support the Festival Photo La Gacilly, because it is above all a beautiful meeting with a team sharing values common to ours. In addition, the Festival allows the lighting of photographs in a unique natural space, offering the works a perfect symbiosis with nature.
What commitments put in place in our structure affirm our common values?
Like the Festival, the MediaGraphic Group has changed from Enterprises to Mission for all the companies of the group. In addition, we have created the WinWin structure which is responsible for the environmental and societal policy of the MediaGraphic Group, with an endowment fund, for which we are pleased to count in the college of experts, Mr.Auguste Coudray, President of the La Gacilly Photo Festival.

Who are we?
As an advocate for artists, a symbole of creative diversity (audio-visual, sound, journalistic, multimedia, interactive), the Scam represents 48,000 members in front of the legislator, broadcasters, video platforms, and production companies. We discuss, collect and distribute royalties among the artists, assert their moral right and defend their interests.
Mindful of supporting proven talent, and attentive to new emerging talents, the Scam also carries an ambitious cultural policy. We encourage and support creation through grants, awards, and Stars… Each year, we also play a part in sophisticated cultural events that are open to the world, such as the La Gacilly Photo Festival which intertwines the collective with the intimate in an international approach.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
Ever since 2020, the Scam is happy to accompany the La Gacilly Photo Festival, a place for sharing and exchanging which exalts and supports the creation, the production and the dissemination of photographies. Year after year, throughout its 18 editions, the festival has relentlessly stimulated the emergence of new takes and enforced the presence of photography in the public space.
The collaboration between the Scam and the festival is more than just a financial partnership thanks to the Scam Roger Pic Award that is highlighted each year in La Gacilly.

La Saif
Who are we ?
Created in 1999, the Saif is one of the youngest artists’ societies in France. It stemed from artists’ wish to collectively defend their rights. The Saif is a civil society whose mission is to defend, collect and distribute visual artists’ rights. Today the Saif represents more than 7,000 artists in all kinds of visual arts: architects, designers, photographers, cartoonists, illustrators, graphic designers, painters, plasticians, sculptors… Over 4,600 of these artists are photographers.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
The Saif also plays an important part in artistic and cultural variety in France. That is why we are happy to support the La Gacilly Photo Festival. The Festival’s commitment as well as its wish to promote contemporary photographic creation match the Saif’s promise to fight to make artists’ voices heard ever since it was created.
Our common values
The Saif is receptive to the La Gacilly Photo Festival’s values that the Festival has been defending for nearly 20 years. We are particularly sensitive to its focus on the great environmental issues in our society and the solutions proposed and presented through contemporary photographers’ eyes - photographers who prefigure the world of tomorrow.
Saif - Société des Auteurs des arts visuels et de l’Image Fixe
82, rue de la Victoire
75009 Paris – France
Tel: +33 (0)1 44 61 07 82
Email: actionculturelle@saif.fr

Engie Green
Who are we?
ENGIE Green is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the ENGIE Group, a global reference group in low-carbon energy and services. ENGIE is the reference partner for local authorities and companies engaged in the transition to carbon neutrality in our regions.
ENGIE Delegation Bretagne and its subsidiaries [Brittany: 1,600 employees] control the entire knowledge chain of the energy professions by relying on a simplified territorial organization, promoting local anchoring and the synergy of professions, resolutely connected to its clients.
ENGIE in Brittany has three strong areas of development:
1. Helping our customers consume less and better energy
2. Decarbonize our clients' sites towards net zero carbon in 2045
3. Producing renewable energy locally through our wind farms, our photovoltaic panels, our biomass boilers and our methanizers.
A leading player in renewable energies in France, ENGIE Green is present across the entire value chain: development, financing, engineering, construction, operation-maintenance, sale of energy and dismantling of wind and solar installations. Our customers and stakeholders associated with our 600 employees, based in the heart of the territories, constitute a community of actors committed to a responsible and sustainable energy future. Our development and operating method has been certified as TED (Sustainable Energy Transition). This label guarantees the deployment of projects integrated into their territory, respectful of the environment and useful in reducing carbon emissions from the French energy mix. As of January 1st, 2023, ENGIE Green operates 2.4 GW of wind farms and 1.7 GW of solar farms which produce on average the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of 3 million inhabitants.
Why support La Gacilly Photo Festival ?
ENGIE is a historic player in Brittany in the field of energy transition. ENGIE is involved in social and cultural life in the Brittany region with the ambition to contribute to major regional cultural events, or even to contribute to the creation of events to affirm the Brittany entity and highlight the cultural heritage of our region.
The La Gacilly Photo Festival has been contributing to this enhancement for several years thanks to international photographers and brings art to life where people live and work.
This is why ENGIE is a partner and supports the La Gacilly Photo Festival and thus defends the territory, cultural values and art accessible to all.

Who are we?
AGELIA, a professional photo lab located in the west of France with 3 agencies (Rennes, Caen and Nantes), offers all the services of printing & finishing touches to create your exhibitions or visual communication.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
As a regional partner since the beginning of the festival, AGELIA shares this passion, this ardour that animates the festival team.
This festival is now a part of our genes and we are proud to be associated with it.

Who are we?
CEWE is the European leading provider of photo printing and personalized photo products, elected "Best Photo Service in the World" in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 by the TIPA World Awards.
As a partner of numerous photo exhibitions and events, CEWE's mission is to contribute to the artistic recognition of photographers from different backgrounds who, through their eyes, capture the beauty, curiosities and emotions offered by our planet.
Aware of the ecological impact of its production activities, CEWE is committed to reduce its carbon footprint through a rigorous policy of energy saving and greenhouse gas emissions compensation.
All the photo books and CEWE-branded products sold on the website cewe.fr are certified climate neutral: CEWE offset greenhouse gas emissions through the reforestation of 200,000 hectares of forest in the Kasigau Wildlife Corridor, which links the Tsavo East and Tsavo West natural parks in Kenya.
The entire production chain, from tree harvesting to wholesale, follows a controlled protocol that takes into account numerous social and environmental criteria and since 2020, 100% of the printing paper used for the CEWE PHOTOBOOK is FSC® certified (FSC-C101851).

Who are we?
As an actor of outdoor communication for the past 30 years, Affiouest is a locally-based partner which offers temporary or permanent advertising. We are an avertising subsidiary of the SIPA Ouest France Group, and we accompany advertisers in their quest for making a visual impact in cities and towns of Western France. To do so, we manage over 3,000 advertising spaces which are divided into 90 urban networks: 12m², 8m² (digital) and 2m², but also suburban networks: 4m², which are often tailor-made. Each year, we support this engagement in favour of sustainable development and take part in the Festival’s communication and promotion thanks to our paper and digital advertising.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
Supporting and promoting the La Gacilly Photo Festival was an obvious choice for us because here, the power of images resides in nature: the environment expresses itself as far as the eye can see. Each year, we support this commitment to sustainable development and we’re amazed by it.
Our common values
As an actor of local outdoor communication, Affiouest privileges collaboration with local partners in order to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to local and regional econonomic activity. Thus, we have chosen to work with French sustainable equipment manufacturers, environmentally responsable hauliers, and bill posters who are established in the advertising areas, in order to shorten travel time and thus reduce CO² emissions. We also work with printing companies that make Imprim’Vert certified posters, using non-polluting water-based ink, and we ensure these posters are recycled once they are taken down.

Who are we ?
JCDecaux, the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, is present in more than 80 countries and 3,670 cities with over 10,000 inhabitants. JCDecaux is currently the only world-class player to focus exclusively on outdoor advertising and the development of all related activities: street furniture, transport and billboard advertising.
Why support the Festival ?
Since it was founded in 1964, JCDecaux has always been committed to embellishing urban landscapes by placing design and aesthetics at the forefront of its business model. Thus supporting the La Gacilly Photo Festival comes naturally to JCDecaux because it adorns La Gacilly’s streets and gardens through photographers’ eyes. Promoting photography is all the more legitimate than the art that’s at the heart of our media; it is considered a privileged means of expression by many of our fellow-citizens.
Our common values
The La Gacilly Photo Festival and JCDecaux share common values which aim at meeting the challenge of an ecological and social transition. As a committed responsible actor, JCDecaux offers free innovative urban services in order to make city-dwellers’ daily lives more comfortable, connected, inclusive and welcoming. Through the many campaigns we advertise, we encourage more sustainable lifestyles and thus contribute to the transformation of society.

France Info
Who we are?
First general continuous information media of the public service, franceinfo puts reliability, responsiveness and impartiality at the center of its editorial line. Franceinfo relates the news in real time and concretely, directly and usefully deciphers it for its audiences. It numbers 180 journalists and has a unique experience in dealing with the latest news ; the editorial board reports to the franceinfo agency, which is responsible for certifying information. Special editions, proprietary information, reports, analyses, investigations, adversarial debates are broadcasted on the air.
Thanks to the alliance of public broadcasting, Radio France, France Télévisions, the national audiovisual institute and France Médias Monde, Franceinfo provides accessible information on a 24 hour / 7 days a week basis on all data media : radio, television (channel 27), web and voice assistants.
Franceinfo numbers over 4,856,000 daily listeners everyday and confirms its position as 3rd radio most listened to in France. First information platform consulted everyday with 3.6 million unique visitors, the radio station is also the leader on voice assistants.
In a world where information is omnipresent, Franceinfo stands out with a demanding editorial offering and meets the requirements of French people seeking reliable and value-added information.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
Photographs and journalists are complementary : they inform the public and help to understand an event, a situation. That is the reason why franceinfo places an emphasis on this « art » through its sponsorship policy, in supporting major photography events. Franceinfo has thus decided to support the photoraphy Festival of La Gacilly.

France Bleu Armorique
Who are we?
ICI : a local, innovative, popular, socially-responsible and supportive radio. For almost 40 years, ICI, with its network of 44 local stations, has firmly set up all over France and has managed to create close ties with its listeners thanks to a big commitment and a rich offering of local information, services and grassroots initiatives, solidarity, sport and entertainment. It is THE general-interest community radio in the French departments of Ille et Vilaine, Morbihan and the eastern part of Côtes d’Armor ; it numbers some 130,000 daily listeners* and has a large digital community. This local foothold and this unique relationship contribute to ICI being the third general-interest radio on its coverage area.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
ICI Armorique has always been on the ground to promote the numerous Breton cultural events. Since the 1st day of the health crisis, the radio has stayed by the side of all cultural operators, has supported them, offering them an opportunity of expression and sharing their creations, all disciplines taken together. So it naturally supports the photography Festival of la Gacilly. France Bleu Armorique is more than ever committed to help you watch and listen to a variety of local artists. You can count on us as far as culture is concerned !
*source Médialocales Sept. -19-June 20, ZS, ens. 13+, AC, PDA, L-V, 5h-24h

Une traversée photographique en Bretagne
Who are we?
A Photographic Journey across Brittany is the result of a union between seven of the region’s artistic and cultural organisations involved in photography. The aim of the initiative was to unite this network of stakeholders, to create routes that invite the public to meander and meet, and to showcase the region’s rich output in contemporary photography through joint communication efforts.
Festival Photo La Gacilly - La Gacilly et Fougères
Les Champs Libres - Rennes
Le Frac Bretagne
Le Centre d’art Gwinzegal - Guingamp
La galerie Le Lieu - Lorient
La galerie L’Imagerie - Lannion
Les Balades photographiques de Daoulas
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
The La Gacilly Photo Festival is part of a dynamic local network of cultural partners working together on a programme of artistic and photographic events across Brittany. This rich regional programme spans four months, with exhibitions and other cultural events open to the public.
Creating and doing things together: by sharing skills and experiences with other regional and national cultural operators, the festival association encourages interaction and the exchange of viewpoints. This collective energy better serves and defends photographic creation and a policy focused on the audiences present locally.

1% For The Planet
Who are we?
1% for the Planet is a non-profit organisation that connects individual donors and businesses with associations that run projects in an effort to accelerate environmental donations. Since September 2019, the Festival association has been officially approved to receive and process donations.

Art Contemporain en Bretagne
Who are we?
a.c.b – art contemporain en Bretagne, is a regional network which federates the professionals of contemporary art (artists, freelancers, employees, structures) and acts for the structuring and the development of visual arts sector in Brittany. It develops activities of observation, representation, individual and collective accompanying, transversal concertations, information, mutualization and diffusion of resources.
Why support the La Gacilly Photo Festival?
The festival association joined this network at the beginning of 2020 in recognition of the work it carries out providing mediation and support resources for the creation and dissemination of photography.
Creating and doing things together: by sharing skills and experiences with other regional and national cultural operators, the festival association encourages interaction and the exchange of viewpoints. This collective energy better serves and defends photographic creation and a policy focused on the audiences present locally.

Collectif des Festivals
Who are we?
The Collectif des festivals is an association that brings together 32 festivals committed to a charter for sustainable development and solidarity in Brittany.
Its aim is to help festival organizers take action and share experiences. It works on four principles:
- Technical and methodological support: to improve festival production modes
- Experimental work: to bring out solutions to common issues
- Training: to develop the skills of festival teams, and promote peer education
- Transmission of best practices: by creating and widely distributing guides, tools, advice.
Why support the The La Gacilly Photo Festival?
The La Gacilly Photo Festival has been a member of the Collectif des festivals for 10 years and has been involved in its board of directors since 2020. It actively participates in all the work and is committed to improving the Festival each year by strengthening its link with the village and the area, by reducing its environmental impact and welcoming its audiences as best as possible.
Creating and doing things together: by sharing skills and experiences with other regional and national cultural operators, the festival association encourages interaction and the exchange of viewpoints. This collective energy better serves and defends photographic creation and a policy focused on the audiences present locally.

The 22nd Festival is also brought to you thanks to support from :
Offset 5 • Europcar • Meta France • Partition Architecture • Agence Concept Décoration • PixTrakk • IMAYE Graphic.
Les Champs Libres • Fondation Yves Rocher • Ciné Manivel • Artémisia • Théâtre Équestre de Bretagne • Librairie La Grande Évasion • Comité des fêtes de La Gacilly • La Main Fraternelle • Fonds de dotation Trajectoires • Les Musicales de Redon • Galerie Albert Bourgeois de Fougères Agglomération • Centre Social Ti Mozaik de Guer • Mission Locale du Pays de Redon et de Vilaine • Réseau Canopé.
Not forgetting the festival visitors, members and volunteers who support us and return, summer after summer.