© Jean-Michel Niron
What is Planet 17! ?
In the context of the call for projects "Mobilize Bretons on transitions" lead by Région Bretagne, in partnership with ADEME, the Agency of Water in Loire Bretagne and the French Office of Biodiversity, Planet 17! Focus on the 27 sustainable development goals of the UN is a traveling pedagogic exhibition created by the La Gacilly Photo Festival.
Accompanied by a pedagogic trunk, the exhibition approaches the 17 sustainable development goals through 17 photographs from professional artists. This animation is adaptable to all public and allows to be aware of the expanse of sustainable development (which are not only protection of nature) and proposes a meeting of minds between image and sustainable development education. The exhibition is in French only.
The 17 photographers exhibited:
Nadia Shira COHEN Florence GOUPIL
Alessandro GRASSANI Audrey GUYON
Steffen OLSEN Juliette PAVY
Béatrice PREVE Marc RIBOUD
La malle pédagogique
The traveling pedagogic exhibition can be visited freely where it is exhibited. However, to use the full pedagogic potential of it, the animation with the pedagogic trunk's tools is essential.
Contents of the pedagogic trunk (in French only):
- Exhibition boards
- Introduction board
- Introduction plank
- Sustainable development goals vignettes
- Sustainsable development goals table (Table rOnDDe)
- Exhibitions photos
- D'acODDac !
- Pieces, dices, game cards, globe
- Memory game
- "One problème? One solution" game
- Zoom-Zoom bag
- Many books to accompany the exhibition
Goals of the project
1. Sensibilize and educate a large public to the sustainable development goals (children and adults) through photographs selected by the La Gacilly Photo Festival and specifics mediation tools
2. Act in resonance with the sustainable development goals of the UN by contributing to the eco citizen formation
3. Favor the transition to durable action, individual and collective
4. Use the cultural Rights and participate to the critical mind development
5. Make the artistic and cultural education actions of the Festival durable on the territory
6. Establish durable links and networks actors of the territory
For who?
The exhibition Planet 17! is available on free renting for all the cultural, educatives and social structures of Brittany and bordering departments. It can be adapted for schools, library, care homes, social and cultural centers, etc.
La Gacilly Photo Festival comes for you, in your structure! Le Festival Photo La Gacilly vient à vous, dans votre structure !
Planet 17! is not borrowable for private individuals.

Booking modalities
The rental of the Planet 17! exihition is free of charge. A rental contract must be completed in order to validate the rent before the traveling of the exhibition.
At your expense:
- Transportation to and from the exhibition
- Compulsory training to be able to carry out the animation independently thereafter (150€ excluding tax + travel expenses · Duration of training: 3 hours)

Practical infos
A 6m3 van is sufficient for transporting the panels ans the educational box. The presence of two people is recommanded for comfortable logistics.
Without their contribution, the exhibition would not exist:
- Saint Jugon Private School, La Gacilly · 5th grade class
- Jean de la Fontaine Public School, La Gacilly · 3rd and 4th grade classes
- Third Place Le Parallèle, Redon · Young volunteers in civil service and students
- Ti Mozaik Social Center, Guer · Childhood and Youth, Young Spaces, Inhabitants Coffee groups
- La Gacilly Photo Festival · Volunteers, Bénévoles, adherents and team
The exhibition is a collective experience still current. Coordinated by the La Gacilly Photo Festival, this project is co-build with more than 120 citizens aged from 7 to 75.