© Michel Ségalou

The La Gacilly Photo Festival offers you a visit of the exhibitions entirely in free access and located outside in the public space, conducive to a peaceful photographic discovery.
Allow at least one day to discover all the exhibitions.
We advise our visitors to start their visit with the Information Point, where they can find all the information about the edition and receive the program plan presenting all the exhibitions and activities proposed.
Information point :
Evenry day June & September from 10am to 6 pm,
July & August from 10 am to 7 pm,
Place de la Ferronnerie.
Information about the direction of visits and the exhibitions.
Program plan, by-products booking and starting point for visits.
Come see us at the Information Point, place de la Ferronnerie! You will find the program plan, to miss nothing of the course.
A FREE FESTIVAL NEEDS GOOD FRIENDS! Our mascot kitty is next to the Information Point.
To deposit a donation to the association:

... Discover the Festival differently! This year again, the Festival offers you devices to discover the exhibitions while having fun:
- The Zoom Zoom self-mediation bag
- The photo rally
- Planète 17 ! exhibition
More info at the Information Point or in the Education/Médiation section

The festival team is here to help you discover the exhibitions of the biggest outdoor photo festival in France ! We offer guided tours for individual visitors as well as groups during the full duration of the festival. Make the most of our tours to discover the creations of the 21 photographers exhibited at the festival.
Individual visitors : Guided tours (1 hour) and family fun tours (1,5 hours) in the afternoons. The tours will start at the Information Point. While waiting for our 2021 opening dates, you can find our estimated schedule for the tours bellow :
- Family fun tours : In a role-playing game, each player takes on the role of a member of festival staff. Put your observation skills, brainpower and team spirit to the test in a set of challenges!
Every wednesday at 2:30 pm.
- Guided tours : This guided tour of a selection of exhibitions will walk you through the festival’s programme, giving visitors a special opportunity to discover the works of international photographers.
Information and booking at the La Gacilly Photo Festival - Place de La Ferronnerie - 02 99 08 68 00 - reservation@festivalphoto-lagacilly.com

The La Gacilly Photo Festival is fully committed to offering everyone an access to culture, in particular for people with reduced mobility and/or autonomy.
Parking spaces for disabled people are available throughout the town. And so as to park as close as possible to the exhibitions, we recommend parking at the car park La Fabrique, rue de l'Aff.
Seating is available in most of the outdoor galeries for people who might need a little rest.
The pharmacie Gacilienne (chemist), located at 22 rue Montauban, can lend you a wheelchair, booking required. Open from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm.
For visitors in a wheelchair, with a stroller or having difficulty getting around, a handiplan, is available on the Festival website, at the Information Point, at the Tourist Office, Place de la Ferronnerie and at the pharmacy Gacilienne. Thus, you will enjoy the comfort route for a pleasant visite.
Entry / Exit for people with reduced mobility on the blue area by Tourist Office, Place de la Ferronnerie between 10:30 am and 6 pm.
Our team is available to advise and support you in order to organise your visit to the Festival. Adapted visits and workshops are possible upon booking.
> For more information: 02 99 08 68 00 and reservation@festivalphoto-lagacilly.com

Pour faciliter votre visite des expositions, un plan-programme est disponible à prix libre au Point Infos du Festival, sur la Place de la Ferronnerie.
L'événement est organisé par l'association Festival Photo La Gacilly et votre contribution nous permet de vous proposer, année après année, une programmation toujours aussi riche, une scénographie de plus en plus innovante, et des outils de médiations plus nombreux...
Soutenez l'association du Festival en déposant votre don dans la cagnotte-mascotte face au Point Infos.
Vous avez également la possibilité de faire un don en ligne, il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous.
Merci beaucoup pour votre contribution !

La Gacilly - Glénac - La Chapelle-Gaceline