“Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” Photographer Maia Flore, a member of the VU agency, quotes Edgar Allan Poe as she presents her series Sleep Elevations. Her images are so full of poetry and strange reverie that she could just as well have quoted Lewis Caroll. She trained at the prestigious Gobelins school of photography in Paris and combines her photographic art with exceptional editing skills that enable her to build bridges between reality and the imagination. Peaceful images of bodies floating through the air like feathers entice us to the other side of the mirror. This stylistic exercise examines the connections between our bodies and nature, a theme that has underpinned the La Gacilly Photo Festival from the outset.
“Those who dream by day are cognisant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” Photographer Maia Flore, a member of the VU agency, quotes Edgar Allan Poe as she presents her series Sleep Elevations. Her images are so full of poetry and strange reverie that she could just as well have quoted Lewis Caroll. She trained at the prestigious Gobelins school of photography in Paris and combines her photographic art with exceptional editing skills that enable her to build bridges between reality and the imagination. Peaceful images of bodies floating through the air like feathers entice us to the other side of the mirror. This stylistic exercise examines the connections between our bodies and nature, a theme that has underpinned the La Gacilly Photo Festival from the outset.

© Maia Flore / Agence VU pour Atout France, « Imagine France by the Sea »