
France • Born in 1976
Sea Workers

They are tugboat captains, fishmongers, deep-sea divers, apprentice sailors, fishermen, semaphore specialists, and military riflemen-united by their daily connection to the Atlantic Ocean along the Morbihan coast.

For this year’s Festival, which focuses on sea-related issues, photographer Stéphane Lavoué - an acclaimed portraitist and winner of the 2018 Prix Niépce Gens d’Images award - and author Catherine Le Gall embarked on weeks-long journeys to meet those who work at sea. . Ten years after their project about food in Brittany, which was also exhibited at La Gacilly Photo Festival, the pair turned their attention to ocean-related professions for a photographic commission from the Conseil Départemental du Morbihan. They travelled the length and breadth of our shores, from Lorient to Vannes, via Étel, Saint-Gildas-de-Ruiz and Groix, to meet those whose work is intrinsically and intimately linked to the sea. 

How do they relate to the marine world ? What do they love about their constant connection to the ocean ? What makes a sea-based profession so unique ? Around twenty people took part in photographic portraits, accompanied by a verbatim report that explains who they are and what they feel. In their eyes, you can see determination and a sense of duty, pride and sometimes fatigue. Whether they were born in the region or have come here to work; whether they dive, collect seaweed, make nets or pursue fish; whether they are on the quayside, in the middle of the sea or in hangars, they all convey their passion for their profession and for the environment in which they work every day. After all, each of them must endure harsh winters and occasional storms, working day and night while remaining humble in the face of unpredictable conditions. 

Photographic commission carried out with the support of the Morbihan department council


Stéphane Lavoué

© Stéphane Lavoué • Exhibition Sea Workers